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  • Commissariat aux apports, transformation | ACT expert comptable

    Home Nouvelle page Nouvelle page Our offer Our engagements Join us Contact Blog Search Results Plus... Commissariat for contributions, transformations, mergers and benefits A unique know-how. Our firm has professionals who have developed, in recent years, an expertise in the field of contribution commissioning, transformation, mergers and special benefits. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Our individual Commissariat missions are carried out within the framework of our professional standards, using a structured work file, with the greatest respect for legal deadlines and the planned schedule. Organization of the mission In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Organization of a preparatory meeting prior to the planned transaction. Understanding of the strategic issues and the economic logic justifying the operation. Review of the request that will be filed with the Commercial Court for the appointment of the contribution, merger and / or special benefits auditor (s). Note that in case of unanimity of the partners, we can be appointed without the agreement of the Commercial Court. Implementation of due diligence following our appointment Establishment of contact with the various stakeholders (Executives, Financial Department, Statutory Auditor, shareholders and / or investors, Lawyers). Establishment of financial intervention terms and a provisional timetable. Collection of legal data. Collection of accounting and financial data in order to assess the valuation. Valuation Review of all audits carried out (financial, commercial, etc.). Understanding and relevance of the business plan. Independent review and validation of the different valuation methods. Implementation of alternative valuation methods

  • Conseil | ACT expert comptable

    Home Nouvelle page Nouvelle page Our offer Our engagements Join us Contact Blog Search Results Plus... Advice A unique know-how. Your firm offers you financial support and advice. Drawing on their experience and their shared vision of the evolution of finance professions, our partners and collaborators pursue the permanent requirement of a firm of high quality standards. We keep the relationship and the problems of our customers at the center of developments. Our specific advice missions In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Business plan development, cash flow forecast Organization consulting Risk analysis and internal control mission Establishment of consolidated or combined accounts Training and training advice Heritage advice New: assistance with tax, social and administrative declarations for individuals For a live chat or consultation, request a phone call back. Submit your information through the form and one of our expert advisors will get back to you within 24 hours or simply send you an email. Ask to be called back LAST NAME E-MAIL PHONE ADDRESS SOCIETY To send Thank you for what you sent !

  • Audit et Commissariat aux Comptes | Expert comptable et Commissaire aux comptes

    Home Nouvelle page Nouvelle page Our offer Our engagements Join us Contact Blog Search Results Plus... Audit & Statutory Auditors A unique know-how. Office of auditors in Paris Our mission as auditor In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. Our audit process meets a legal obligation in terms of financial information. But beyond the security provided, this essential mission is part of the overall control system implemented by organizations. With the aim of contributing to the constant improvement of your internal control environment, the quality of your accounting and financial processes, and your approach to identifying and managing risks The auditors of Cabinet Audit Conseil & Transaction certify the accounts of companies, associations and foundations in France. This activity is organized with dedicated teams who develop specific sector skills. Expertise For our statutory audit mission, we use H3C certified professional audit software, AUDITSOFT, which allows us to achieve and sustain the objectives set with our clients, while respecting the audit process necessary for the accomplishment of our mission. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. AUDITSOFT also allows us to include the firm in a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approach, the primary objective of which is eco-responsibility with the development of dematerialization of exchanges but also of files. In addition to this, you will need to know more about it. This guarantee of quality ensures that we can best meet the specific needs of each of the audited structures, whether in terms of time or performance. Our interventions, relating to our statutory audit mandate, will be based on the following approach: a “human” approach which allows us to centralize and tackle the audit work necessary for the performance of our professional due diligence in a transversal manner; courtesy, a quality of listening and discussion with your teams, thus allowing the anticipation of accounting issues specific to your structure; stability of our team for the duration of our mandate as auditor, in order to allow ease of discussion with your teams and capitalization of knowledge specific to your structure. These principles allow us to offer a solution adapted to entities of any size, while guaranteeing the responsiveness, versatility and technical expertise necessary to establish our statutory audit mission. Need more information ? One or more specific questions on this subject? In addition to this, you need to know more about it. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Contact us

  • Comment préparer son business plan | ACT expert comptable

    Home Nouvelle page Nouvelle page Our offer Our engagements Join us Contact Blog Search Results Plus... Accounting A unique know-how. Vous êtes sur le point de créer ou reprendre une entreprise? Alors il vous est indispensable d’établir un business plan. Avant de pouvoir le construire, il faut le préparer correctement. Le business plan ou « plan d’affaire » décrit les points clés de votre projet et prouve sa solidité sur le long terme vis-à-vis de votre banque ou d’investisseurs. Le cabinet Audit Conseil Transaction vous explique à travers cet article : Comment construire un business plan efficace ? Quels points aborder pour mieux convaincre ? Quelles sont les questions à se poser ? Avant de rédiger, la réflexion Avant de vous lancer dans la rédaction de votre business plan, ACT Paris vous suggère de vous poser quelques questions notamment les suivantes : Quel marché visez-vous et quelle est sa taille ? Qui sont vos clients potentiels et comment achètent-ils ? Quelles sont les tendances et les perspectives du marché ? Votre marché exige-t-il une certaine réglementation, des normes nationales et internationales ? Apportez-vous une innovation sur votre marché ? Quelles sont les caractéristiques de votre offre ? Quels sont vos avantages concurrentiels ? Quel est le prix de vente de votre offre ? Quels sont vos objectifs de vente ? Combien de pourcentage de marge voulez-vous atteindre ? Quel est le circuit de distribution de vos produits et/ou services ? Comment comptez-vous communiquer votre offre auprès de vos clients cibles ?.. 2. Comment rédiger le business plan ? Tout d’abord le business plan exige quelques critères de rédaction : en effet il doit être bien présenté, facile à lire et surtout facile à comprendre. Mettez toutes vos chances de votre côté en rédigeant soigneusement votre business plan car il met en valeur votre idée. Voici nos conseils : Rédigez simple : une phrase = une idée. Évitez les mots et expressions trop techniques. Vous devez vous faire comprendre par le lecteur. Sélectionnez les informations les plus pertinentes, pensez à légender vos documents. Soyez précis, évitez l’approximation. Des devis sont souvent nécessaires. Soignez l’orthographe, aérer votre texte et allégez au maximum. Mieux vaut la qualité que la quantité. N’oubliez pas les visuels. Ne dit-on pas qu’une image vaut mille mots ? Parlez des problèmes que vous pourriez rencontrer et des questions que vous pourriez vous poser. S’interroger est aussi un gage de crédibilité et montre que vous avez bien anticipé. ​ ​ Quand on se lance dans un projet de création ou de reprise d’entreprise, la rédaction du business plan peut poser de bon nombres de difficultés : faites vous aider, cela vous apportera un regard neuf et vous allez pouvoir introduire des éléments auxquels vous n’aurez pas pensé. Un expert-comptable peut également vous partager son expérience. ACT se tient à disposition pour vous accompagner à l’élaboration et la conception de votre business plan. Need more information ? One or more specific questions on this subject? In addition to this, you need to know more about it. In addition to this, you need to know more about it. Contact us

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